Som una família de Barberà de la Conca, que treballem i vivim al poble. L’agricultura i l’elaboració de vi ens ha ajudat a donar continuïtat al cultiu de les terres familiars. L’agricultura biodinàmica que practiquem, ens ha permès unir els nostres sentiments amb la terra i a comprendre que el vi ha de ser sincer amb les seves particularitats que el fan únic. Fem vins vius!
Intentem transmetre aquests valors, aquesta autenticitat, les il·lusions, l’esforç, part de nosaltres, de les nostres vides, en els nostres vins.
Si necessiteu contactar amb nosaltres ens podeu enviar un correu electrònic a o bé trucar-nos al 651179308
L’equip de Carlania Celler
Carlania is a small family run cellar in Barberà de la Conca, north of Tarragona. We established a winery of our own in 2007. Biodinamic farming and winemaking have helped us to continue cultivating the family vineyards.
Our soils are the noble calcareous-clay and most of our holdings are Trepat, along with some Macabeu. We use only sulfur and biodynamic preparations in the vineyards and grape selection and harvesting is by hand.Our wines are vinified completely without any additives (including SO2) and without fining or filtration.
Our wines hearken back to the days when wine was drunk for refreshment and part of the Mediterranean diet – wonderfully complex, wines that show pure, mouth-coating Mediterranean flavors and compliment the cuisine of Carlania’s home region.
We try to transmit these values, this authenticity, our illusions, efforts, part of our lives in our wines.